Monday, December 9, 2013


                                          Nausicaa Meets Odysseus
   The picture here explains Book 6. Odysseus experienced a bad time at sea in Book 5 and he landed on the rocks of the land of the Phaeacians. Ino told Odysseus to throw away his protective veil, given by his former lover, Calypso.
    Now he's naked. But, in a nightly dream, Athene takes the form of a friend of the Phaeacian princess Nausicaa to instruct her to wash her clothes because she'll look more appealing to many men. Next morning, she asked her father for a mule cart and she went on her way, along with her maidens.
   After Nausicaa and her maidens washed the clothes and let them dry, they bathed in the river and played with a ball. Odysseus heard their laughter, wakes up and meets them. He asks for their help kindly, and it was granted. He bathes to cleanse himself of dirt and brine. Athene made him look extra HANDSOME for Nausicaa... When she saw him again, she loved him! To not cause a scene, she gives him directions to the palace and advice on how to approach Arete, the queen of the Phaeacians. Odysseus prays to Athene for hospitality.  

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